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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

During your visit to our site we may gather certain personal information that is necessary to set up your account for the purposes of billing, delivery of your goods. We only keep your information as long as is necessary to process your order, process any applicable refunds, respond to any complaints or feedback.

Any personal information you provide to us and from which you can be identified is stored securely and confidentially in accordance with this privacy policy.

The address of data manager: 32/2 Mária street Miskolc, Hungary 3534

The access of data manager: e-mail:

The Law of Data Management 2011. CXII. Act about Information Freedom

Admittance of data management: The customer  voluntarily allows his/her data management at the registration.

The customer can ask for (at the data manager):

-informing him/her about the managing of his/her personal particulars

-correction or deleting of his/ her personal particulars

The user with his/her user name and password can change or delete his/her own data.

Giving,changing or deleting information in connection with his/her personal particulars can take place  in person, on phone or by e-mail at the data handler.

The data handler will give his written answer to the user’s request as soos as possible but not more than 10 days. If he finds it correct he will make certain steps in connection with the correction or deleting of the personal particulars at once.

If the registered user is not satisfied with the answer of the data handler, he can return to the Civil Court or to the Authority of National Data Protection and Information Freedom. (


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